Top 5 Things You Should Know About Soda!
Top 5 Things You Should Know About Soda!
Lots of people really love soda, I get it…. However, there is no surprise that soda includes chemicals/artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose, saccharine) but did you know that these are carcinogenic, and can increase risk for bladder cancers, diabetes, increased estrogens and hip fractures?
Phosphoric acid can severely deplete the calcium in bones, putting you at increased risk for osteoporosis. As we age we can add more to contribute to the risk of hip fractures osteoporosis and leaving bones more depleted of calcium. May be wise to rethink your choice of beverage, even at a young for prevention.
Chemicals/artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose, saccharine) are carcinogenic, and can increase risk for bladder cancers.
Phosphoric acid can severely deplete the calcium in bones, putting you at increased risk for osteoporosis.
Diet and regular soda both add belly fat! Doesn’t matter which you drink! Sweeteners also trick us into thinking other foods are not as sweet, thereby adding more sugar to naturally sweet foods.
Elevated blood insulin levels can lead to depression of the immune system which decreases your ability to fight disease. 75% of our immune system is in our gut. Soda kills good-guy gut flora! We need good gut body bugs in order to digest and absorb foods we eat, and help us fight disease. Too little flora and too many bad gut flora results in a plethora of allergies, even when we’ve never suffered from allergies before.
Caffeine can lead to insomnia, raises cortisol a stress contributor and a mind that never shuts down. We need beauty sleep! And proper hormone balance!