What’s The Deal With Organics, Anyway?

Is it really necessary to include ORGANICS  in your diet?  Why are organic foods so important?

There is so much conflicting information out there on the internet, but how do you make sense of it all? Is eating organic food healthier? Safer?

Conventional vs Organic Farming

For me, organics is the lesser of two evils. What I mean by that is, with conventional farming you may be consuming dangerous chemicals and pesticides, which could possibly cost you your health later down the road with nerve damage and endocrine disruption. OR, with organic food, you may consume the odd little critter and/or bacteria.

Would you rather add a little protein to your diet with a few bugs or dine on chemicals?

Organic farmers use organic, safe methods in the way of natural pesticides; however, that doesn’t necessarily mean we are just eating the plant or the berry on its own…What?? Kind of a yucky to think that we may be eating larvae—or part of one anyway— that might be buried in a blueberry. Make sure you always check and wash your produce!

For me, not everything I eat is organic, but one thing I do adhere to is the regular consumption of organics when it comes to the most popular things in my daily diet. With other items I can sort of bypass the organic aisle when it’s not my more usual grocery item. What I eat lots of I will splurge on organic foods.

Contact me and ask me which organic foods I choose to eat and where I purchase them. 

The less chemicals and pesticides we consume, the better for our beautiful planet and our overall health.

AND . . . More vitamins and minerals are usually far more present in organic produce than in conventionally grown produce.


The Cost of Organics

Oh, but you say, “it’s so much money to eat organic!” No one likes the added cost, including me! So here are some TIPS I try to follow:

  • I try not to cheap out when it really matters. The things I eat more of I will purchase organic.

  • When I can’t seem to bring myself to purchase certain items in the off season, I will wait until they are in season!

  • I stock up for the winter (organic berries in the freezer etc.) so I don’t have to spend top dollar in the off season.

  • Each season brings us different foods that provide us with our minerals and vitamins, so think diversity when planning your menu.

  • I use CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) programs. These allow me to become a part of farming family with great access to fresh and local produce grown by our fabulous farmers…Yeah!!!

  • Appropriate H20! Yes you can use the right water to clean and alkaline your regular veggies & fruits so not everything you purchase needs to be organic! Ask me how today!

What I believe and teach is that we should all do our own research to figure out what works for you.  Find real facts and real proof, not just the first thing that happens to be at the top of the page as soon as you enter “Organic food” in the search bar.

It’s your body, your money and your values that will help you make the best decisions for yourself, your family and our beautiful planet!

Remember, it’s YOUR health, be in charge of it!


Here are some helpful LINKS:

Of course, you have your favourites too! Share them with us...Happy organic research!